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Mastering Generics in C#

6 min read ·  — #csharp-interview#middle-specialist#generics

Mastering Generics in C#

For a Software Engineer, the realm of generics in C# isn't just about code reusability. It's a journey into type safety, high performance, and elegant design patterns. Whether you're aiming for a high-stakes technical interview, or you want to refine your architectural prowess, mastering the nuances of generics is essential. In this post, we'll not only cover the basics but will delve deeper into real-world scenarios that elucidate the power of generics. Let's unravel the intricate dance of types and templates.

1. Basics of Generics

Generics allow you to define type-safe classes, interfaces, delegates, and methods with a placeholder for the data type. When consuming these members, you'll specify the actual type.

Generic Classes:

public class MyGenericClass<T>
    private T genericMember;

    public MyGenericClass(T value)
        genericMember = value;

    public T GetValue()
        return genericMember;

// Usage
var stringInstance = new MyGenericClass<string>("Hello, Generics!");
var intInstance = new MyGenericClass<int>(42);

Generic Methods:

public T Display<T>(T value)
    return value;

// Usage
string returnedString = Display<string>("Hello");
int returnedInt = Display<int>(100);

2. Constraints in Generics

Constraints enable you to restrict the data types a generic can work with. They're defined using the where keyword.

public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : class
    // ... rest of the class

public void MyGenericMethod<T>(T value) where T : struct
    // ... method body

Common constraints include:

  • class: Type argument must be a reference type.
  • struct: Type argument must be a value type.
  • new(): Type argument must have a public parameterless constructor.
  • BaseClassName or InterfaceName: Type argument must inherit from the specified base class or implement the interface.

3. Covariance and Contravariance

For engineers, understanding variance is vital, especially when working with interfaces and delegates.

Covariance allows you to use a more derived type than specified by the generic parameter, applicable mainly for return types.

IEnumerable<string> strings = new List<string>();
IEnumerable<object> objects = strings; // Covariant assignment

Contravariance allows a less derived type, applicable for input types.

Action<object> actObject = (object obj) => { };
Action<string> actString = actObject; // Contravariant assignment

4. Real-World Use-Cases for Generics

  • Repository Pattern: Often used in data access layers, the repository pattern with generics avoids redundant code.
public interface IRepository<T>
    void Add(T entity);
    IEnumerable<T> GetAll();
    // ... Other CRUD operations
  • Factory Pattern: Generics can aid in creating type-safe factories.
public T CreateInstance<T>() where T : new()
    return new T();

5. Advanced Topics

5.1 Reflection with Generics

Reflection allows you to inspect and interact with object metadata at runtime. When combined with generics, you can create dynamic instances, query type information, and more.

Example: Instantiating a generic type using reflection.

public class GenericClass<T>
    public T Field;

// Using reflection to create a generic instance
var typeDef = typeof(GenericClass<>);
var closedType = typeDef.MakeGenericType(typeof(string));
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(closedType);
((dynamic)instance).Field = "Hello, Reflection!";

5.2 Generic Events and Delegates

Generics can be paired with events and delegates, allowing for more type-safe event handling.

Example: A generic event args class and a custom event.

public class GenericEventArgs<T> : EventArgs
    public T Data { get; }

    public GenericEventArgs(T data)
        this.Data = data;

public class EventPublisher
    public event EventHandler<GenericEventArgs<string>> GenericEvent;

    public void RaiseEvent(string message)
        GenericEvent?.Invoke(this, new GenericEventArgs<string>(message));

// Usage:
var publisher = new EventPublisher();
publisher.GenericEvent += (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine(args.Data);
publisher.RaiseEvent("Generic Event Raised!");

5.3 Open and Closed Constructed Types

When delving deeper into generics, understanding the distinction between open and closed constructed types becomes essential.

  • Open Constructed Types: These are generic types that have some, or all, of their type arguments unspecified. They can't be instantiated.
var openType = typeof(Dictionary<,>);
  • Closed Constructed Types: These have all their type arguments specified, making them ready for instantiation.
  var closedType = typeof(Dictionary<string, int>);

Example: Converting an open constructed type to a closed type and then instantiating it.

var openType = typeof(List<>);
var closedType = openType.MakeGenericType(typeof(int));
var instance = (List<int>)Activator.CreateInstance(closedType);

6. Generics and Performance

6.1 Reduced Boxing and Unboxing

One of the biggest performance hits in .NET comes from boxing (converting a value type to a reference type) and unboxing (the reverse process). Generics help mitigate this.

Without Generics:

Using an ArrayList to store integers involves boxing because ArrayList stores objects (reference types).

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.Add(1);  // Boxing occurs here
int value = (int)list[0];  // Unboxing occurs here

With Generics:

Using a List<int>, no boxing or unboxing occurs, since the type is known at compile time.

List<int> list = new List<int>();
list.Add(1);  // No boxing
int value = list[0];  // No unboxing

The latter is more efficient both in terms of speed and memory.

6.2 JIT Compilation and Type Specialization

When generic types are JIT-compiled, the runtime creates specialized versions for value types, leading to efficient memory layouts and cache utilization. For reference types, a single version is used, ensuring minimal memory overhead.

Consider the generic class:

public class GenericHolder<T>
    public T Value { get; set; }

When you instantiate this class with different types:

var intHolder = new GenericHolder<int>();
var stringHolder = new GenericHolder<string>();

The JIT compiler will produce a specialized version for int (value type) but will use a single version for all reference types like string.

6.3 Predictable Inlining with Generic Methods

The JIT compiler often inlines small methods (replaces method calls with the method's content) to enhance performance. With generics, these inlining decisions become more predictable.


public T Max<T>(T a, T b) where T : IComparable<T>
    return a.CompareTo(b) > 0 ? a : b;

When using this method with built-in types (e.g., int or double), the JIT compiler can inline the comparison, resulting in faster execution times.

6.4 Memory Footprint

Generics can also lead to a smaller memory footprint, especially in cases where using non-generic collections or methods might have resulted in numerous redundant types or method copies. Generics, by facilitating type reusability, help in conserving memory and ensuring leaner applications.


Generics, often viewed simply as tools for code reusability, represent a paradigm shift in creating type-safe, efficient, and elegant software designs in C#. Beyond their foundational role in design, they play a pivotal role in amplifying the performance of .NET applications. For any software engineer understanding the intricacies of generics—both as a design principle and a performance enhancer—is a testament to the depth of knowledge in C#. Whether you're gearing up for a challenging technical interview or navigating high-stakes projects, remember that generics are more than just a syntax; they embody a philosophy. Let them be your guiding beacon in the pursuit of code excellence and application speed.
