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Hi, my name is

Roman Fairushyn.

I build Enterprise Software.

As a full-stack software engineer, I specialize in creating and designing top-notch digital experiences. Currently, my focus is on developing ML products for Metro Bank (UK).

About Me

A highly self-motivated Software Engineer with more than eight years of hands-on experience and strong mathematical background. Experience includes meeting tight deadlines, delivering software to 40,000+ users, and building performance-critical systems ground-up (fullstack development). Primary language C#, many experiences with Java and Python. Has theoretical and practical knowledge of programming design templates, algorithms, data structures, and flexible methods of software development.


  • Major: C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, TypeScript
  • Minor: Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C, C++, PHP



  • C# language features and best practices
  • .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 6 and newer versions
  • Autofac, MEF
  • Entity Framework (EF) and Entity Framework Core (EF Core), Dapper, LINQ, oData, Telus, Elsa Workflow
  • NUnit,, MSTest, Moq, NSubstitute, SpecFlow
  • .NET MAUI, Xamarin Forms, PRISM
  • JSON, XML, Hangfire
  • ASP.NET Identity, OAuth 2.0, OIDC (OpenID Connect), JWT (JSON Web Tokens)


  • Spring (Core, MVC, Boot, Data, Security, Cloud)
  • Hibernate or JPA (Java Persistence API), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
  • Tests (JUnit, Mockito)
  • JSON, XML processing libraries (e.g., Jackson, JAXB)
  • Maven, Apache Tomcat


  • Flask, Django, NumPy, SciPy
  • Behave, Pytest, Unittest


  • Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js
  • Mongoose, Sequelize, TypeORM


  • JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript
  • Angular, NgRx, Redux
  • React.js, Gatsby, Next.js, RxJs
  • Jest, Cucumber, WebdriverIO, Jasmine
  • HTML, CSS, Sass, SCSS, Playwright, API Testing, Selenium, Gherkin, Applitools


  • WPF, WinForms, UWP, Avalonia, Electron


  • MAUI, Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms
  • Swift, Objective-C, iOS SDK, UIKit, SwiftUI, Xcode
  • Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, Android Studio
  • React Native

SQL databases:

  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, SQLite

NoSQL databases:

  • MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch, Cassandra, Neo4j, CouchDB, DynamoDB

Version Control:

  • Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, TFS, SVN

Containerization & Orchestration:

  • Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Cloud Platforms:

  • AWS (e.g., EC2, Lambda)
  • Microsoft Azure, Azure services (Service Fabric, Azure Functions, Azure App Service, Azure SQL Database, Azure DevOps

Monitoring & Logging:

  • ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Splunk
  • Application Insights
  • Azure Monitor
  • Serilog or NLog
  • GrayLog

Message Brokers & Queues:

  • RabbitMQ, Kafka, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Grid, Azure Event Hubs

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

  • Azure Pipelines
  • Jenkins with .NET plugins
  • TeamCity
  • Octopus


  • macOS, Windows, Linux
  • JetBrains (Rider, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, DataGrip)
  • Microsoft (Visual Studio, VS Code)
  • Xcode
  • Web Engines (Apache, Nginx, IIS)
  • FireBase


Where I’ve Worked

Software Engineer @ Metro Bank (UK)

April 2023 - Present

Domain: Fintech

Founded in 2010, Metro Bank is an award-winning community bank renowned for its distinctive approach to banking. With a strong presence across the UK, the bank emphasizes unmatched customer service, offering extended hours and quick in-store services, such as immediate debit card printing. Their innovative offerings include drive-thru banking and unique customer experiences like in-store events. Valuing attitude over initial skill, Metro Bank is dedicated to cultivating a vibrant work culture, always putting customers, colleagues, and communities at its core.

Technology stack: C#, TypeScript, Python, BDD, TDD, .Net, MSSQL, Angular, NgRx, Redux, Web API, Jest, Cucumber, Multithreading, Behave, Jasmine, SpecFlow, Playwright, NUnit, XUnit, API Testing, Selenium, Gherkin, WebdriverIO, Redis, TeamCity, Octopus, Bitbucket, Service Fabric, Splunk, Microsoft Azure

Products: Decision Engine/Credit Score Analyzer (ML)

  • Implemented SpecFlow for common microservices
  • Implemented adapter service for Decision Engine
  • Implemented migrations by upgrading Indexes on live banking system
  • Implemented merge of two main microservices into one for performance purpose
  • Integrated Redux functionality into Angular project
  • implemented performance optimization / Memory profiling
  • Implemented Playwright project for UI and API testing
  • Performing design & code reviews
  • Cover functionality with Tests
  • Product development and maintenance

Some Things I’ve Built

Other Noteworthy Projects

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What’s Next?

Get In Touch

Although I’m not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!